Shop open Mon to Sat 10am-5.30pm

Moving Shop January 2019

Posted by   Graeme Clark

We're moving!

Fort Street has been our home in Ayr since the year 2000 - starting at number 56, then moving to the bigger unit at number 40 back in 2004.

It's served us well, but things change, and being tucked away in a lane but having a decent stock area may have suited a business that did most of its trade online back in the day, but over the past few years our walk-in trade has grown busier and our current retail space has been cosy as soon as a few people are in at once, plus the parking in this street / our lane is a bit tricky.

So having recently been able to secure ownership of another building, Kustom will relocate in January 2019 to 9 River Street, Ayr. Formerly, it was Riverside Community Workshop and prior to that it was The Bed Shed, and it's on the stretch of road that joins Old Brig and New Bridge Street, along from TK Maxx and around the corner from Ayr Library.

The place may look a little tatty just now (it's been empty for 5 years and prior to that the building didn't have much TLC for quite a while) but we're getting stuck in already to turning the building around to be a great piece of Ayr's riverside once again.

So what does it mean for our shop? 

It's a larger building which helps with our stockholding, but also now the entire ground floor is purposed for combination of display area so more peripheral items and cases will be on display than before (which will open January 2019) and a dedicated 10 x PC gaming arena (which will open shortly afterwards, likely February) which will be used for a combination of turn up and play LAN parties (no need for everyone to carry their system in) as well as availability for renting individual PC time or booking groups (parties, events, tournaments). 

With increased space, our capacity for repair work will be improved (this has become much busier of late) and a bigger shop counter means actually being able to serve two people at once without forcing them to stand should to shoulder. :)

Further, greater visibility and easier parking (either pay to park at the door, or free with disabled badge, or, there's a free car park literally around the corner) means that overall this is a great stop forward for us.

When will there be more details?

Provisionally, at the time of writing this post (end of August) - the plan is that our Fort Street store will close towards the end of December, either 28th or 29th will be the last day open there (see our Opening Hours page to confirm at the time) and the new store will open on 3rd January 2019. For location details and updated info about parking / how to get there, this will be updated on our Shop Location page towards the end of December.

Of course, we'll have a note at the top of the website at the time to serve as a reminder of the location change.

It's been a long time coming but we can't wait to welcome you to our new place - do make sure to pop in!