Shop open Mon to Sat 10am-5.30pm

Terms of Use

These are our terms of use of the centre - 

Making a Booking

You can turn up within our opening hours and pre-pay gaming time. Pricing is shown at the book-in table and online on our pricing page

Payment can be made in store by cash or credit / debit card, and is offered as a minimum of 1 hour. Purchasing a larger block does not need to be used at once - eg if you buy 5 hours, you can use 2 hours 15 minutes one day and 2 hours 45 minutes at a later date. Your time does not expire and can be used whenever you like.

If you prefer to book online in advance, you can do using our book time page to purchase time for 1 or more people. These pages explain the options and times available after you pick your number of hours required.

Requirements to sign up at our centre 

We need to collect your name, email address and date of birth when you sign up. This information is used only to manage your usage of the Kustom GamingGrid facility and is not transferred to any other part of our business.

Registration is carried out using ggLeap software - at the book-in table, we ask only for your choice of username, and the remaining details (password, name, date of birth) are filled out by yourself when sitting down at the PC. ggLeap will offer for you to read their terms and privacy policy when signing up.

Note that the signup process does not use any of your purchase time, the time only begins once you complete logging in to your session.

Food and Drink

You are welcome to bring refreshments into the arena but these cannot be consumed at the computer stations to avoid making a mess of or causing damage to peripherals. 

We provide a separate 'chill out' table and chairs in the centre of the room to place drinks on, or that you can take a break at if you're staying in for a while, and if you log out from your session then no gaming time is lost.

For sale in the shop are bottles of chilled water and soft drinks. (Pricing / stock can be seen on our refreshments category).

A bottle of hand sanitiser is provided at the chill out table.



There is no age limit on use of the centre, but any customers under the age of 13 must book in and remain supervised by their parent or guardian. A seating area is provided nearby and free Wifi is available. Note, while we can provide technical assistance and setup help, it's expected that any players are already have some familiarity with PC gaming already, and we can't provide 1 to 1 supervision of your kids for the duration of a session.

Those 13 or over are welcome to book in themselves, but note that for running any games with age restrictions, this will not be allowed without proof of age or a parental consent form being provided when setting up your account.

Our environment will be welcoming for all ages - with that in mind, parents should be aware there may be others playing mature games nearby during normal opening time and while we would ask all patrons keep language family friendly, understand behaviour of other participants are not fully within our control. (with that said, anyone misbehaving or being rude will be asked to keep it down)


Any abusive behaviour such as threats or violence will result in immediate termination of your account for the session, and possibly permanent exclusion in extreme cases.

Banter during gaming is understandable and an accepted occurence, but take discression that behaviour considered acceptable among friends may not be comfortable with strangers - so do give consideration to make sure that your behaviour does not cause discomfort to others. Taunting, threats, abuse either in person or in-game are not acceptable.

Do take note of your surrounding players - while colourful language is alright among mature attendees, as noted above, our centre is open to all ages and so loud swearing or other unsuitable language should be reigned in. In other words, if you wouldn't say it in front of your mother, don't say it here.

Anyone intentionally damaging or trying to remove any parts of the system will be identified by CCTV footage at the very least will have their account removed with no refund.

Hygeine / Facilities

Toilet and sink facilities are available for users of the centre.

Please do use the soap dispenser and dryer before returning to the PCs or having a snack.

Keyboards, mice and headsets are cleaned daily but we encourage users to use the provided hand sanitiser for an additional level of hygeine.


We will aim to have the centre available for use any time within our opening hours.

Games are checked regularly to make sure they are ready to play, however updates on games are inevitable / regular and may occasionally be missed. Should your gaming time be delayed by waiting for an update, please let a member of staff know and we'll make sure your account is credited with any time lost and update other PCs later.

Events outwith of our control such as power cuts or internet being down are possible although rare, but in such case we can offer to pro-rate refund or offer additional time on your account.